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Tarp Tent Repairs: Easy Do-It-Yourself Tips

A tarp tent safely tucked in your car ensures your safety and protection from weather elements when you are on a camping spree or unexpectedly have to spend a night out in the cold. It also ensures you have a safe and personal space you can retire to when away with friends. Investing in a quality tarp tent is essential, but how you take care of it will determine its lifespan and how well it shelters you. Here are some tips that can come in handy.

Seal Small Holes and Tears

If it is a small tear, or when you do not have time to take it to a professional tarp tent repairs shop, you can do it yourself. Use duct or tenacious tape. Make sure to cover not just the hole but the surface surrounding it to avoid more tearing. For holes in tent netting, a bug mesh patch kit can be more suitable. You can also use your thumb and finger to realign mesh from a snagged net. 


Exposure to weather conditions, especially rain, weakens seams and encourages leaks. Also, the factory sealant may weaken with time, causing leakages. You require moisture or waterproof sealants such as urethane-based or silicone seam sealers for ultralight tents. Shoe waterproofing sprays may also help. 

Mould and Mildew

Even before thinking of solving mildew and mould issues, it's essential to avoid their growth. Before storing the tarp tent, make sure it is clean, free from dust and debris and completely dry. It pays to stretch out before folding and packing to make sure the tent is in the right condition. In case you notice mildew or mould, wipe it off with a soapy cloth. If it is persistent, use one part bleach to ten parts water to remove it. The most important thing is to ensure the tent is dry before storage. Mould can destroy your tent to a point you would need to buy a new one. It also poses a health risk. 

Take Good Care of It When in Use

When in use, avoid sharp things that can tear or scratch the tent. Knives and keys should be kept away from the tent edges. Shoes, especially hiking boots, should not be allowed into the tent. They may damage the flooring of the tent. Abrasions and scratches may not have an immediate effect but may lead to other issues in the future.

To learn more about tarp tent repairs, consult a resource in your area.
